Leather Sofa Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

Leather Sofa Cleaning and Maintenance Tips.

Jun 21, 2022 | Upholstery Cleaning

Leather sofas uplift the ambiance of any living space instantly. They match both rustic and modern interiors well. It is the reason why leather sofas are so popular with homeowners. Leather sofas are durable and luxurious. Much goes in when you pick out the best furniture pieces for your home, including the leather sofa. As a result, you should take steps to keep it clean.

The longevity of a leather sofa depends directly on the amount and quality of maintenance that goes in. Like all other furnishings, leather sofa cleaning is crucial. However, certain things need attention when cleaning. Learn more about maintenance and cleaning tips in this blog below.

Expert Tips On Leather Sofa Cleaning & Maintenance 

Basic Maintenance & Vacuuming 

A leather sofa is indeed an expensive investment. You visit various furnishing stores to choose the one that best goes with your home decor. But can you even stop the kids from jumping or eating on it? Of course, not. The daily activity causes dust, crumbs, and allergens to settle. As a result, you need regular cleaning sessions for your sofa.

Cleaning and maintaining a leather sofa is not difficult, provided you know the game. Always keep the couch away from direct sunlight. It causes the leather to crack and fade, diminishing its longevity and appearance. Also, make it a habit to vacuum your leather furniture every day. This practice helps remove surface dust and crumbs that can create scratches later.

Clean Stains Immediately 

For any furniture, you must immediately clear up stains or spills. When something gets spilled on a leather sofa, the contents will seep inside and spread, making the stain set. Although, technically speaking, leather is not as porous as upholstery fabric. Yet, a leather couch is prone to staining in lack of attention.

Dab or wipe up any spills with a slightly damp cloth. Ensure that the surface is dried thoroughly using another clean cloth. If the stains are stubborn, dip a cloth in warm soapy water and rub the surface. Only use saddle soap on a leather couch. Any other cleaning agent can harm the leather surface or fade it, resulting in permanent damage.

Use Leather Cream 

Leather creams are essentially conditioning products that restore the shine. Regularly use a leather cream on your sofa. Before selecting one, refer to the instructions manual with the furniture. Else, you can consult a professional upholstery cleaning company at the best buy.

Never use any random conditioners or cleaning products on a leather sofa. It is because leather is a fragile and delicate material. Corrosive chemicals like acid and concentrated rubbing alcohol can rapidly react and damage the leather. A leather cream also depends on whether the leather is protected or not. Protected leather is cured, pigmented, and comes with anti-stain properties. As a result, it might be safe to use a leather cream on protected leather than on an unprotected couch.

Use Minimum Water 

Water is not a friend of your leather sofa. There are scores of natural-ingredient recipes on the internet for DIY cleaning agents. Most of them ask you to mix a household item with water in equal parts. The idea might excite you as you use harmless and eco-friendly cleaning solutions. But, remember that overusing it is harmful to your sofa.

Using too much water on a leather couch can saturate it. It poses the risk of mold growth and damage. Excess water can push the stain particles deeper inside the upholstery. As a result, it can develop into an unsightly water damage situation later.

Buff The Sofa Occasionally 

The lovely, organic shine of a fresh leather sofa is one of its best features. The most efficient technique to maintain this beauty is to rub up the leather seats with a microfibre or light towel. It will keep the leather shiny and prevent it from looking weary.

Buffing is also an excellent technique to minimize the impact of scrapes and scratching that your sofa may accumulate over time. To help you remember this, make it a habit to do this once your sofa is clean and dry.

Can You Use Steam Cleaner On Leather Sofa?

Leather and water are generally unfriendly. The merchant will often attempt to market a leather protective agent to avoid water stains once you buy new leather shoes. Leather could also expand and lose suppleness when exposed to water. Is it true that the reality that steam is a gas rather than a liquid affects how it behaves with leather? Yes. Sprinkling water straight onto the leather is not the same as meticulously steaming the area while keeping the steamer at a distance from the leather.

The most significant advantage of steam cleaning is that it kills bacteria. However, steam cleaning leather is not a procedure to do regularly. We prefer to conceive of it as a once-a-year event for killing germs. Although many consumers do not own a steam cleaner, numerous professional stylists do.

If you want to kill germs, get a professional to clean your home’s interior. Trying to steam clean leather on your own can result in irreversible harm. Your leather could become strained and wrinkled if the heat isn’t quite perfect, if the machine is too near the material, or if it’s left in one spot for too long.

The Bottom Line 

Leather sofas are a great addition to any living space. They match the rustic countryside interiors as well as modern plush decor. Many people think they are hard to maintain. But, with the right tips and tricks, cleaning and maintenance become easy. Follow the hacks mentioned in the blog above to care for your leather sofa.

Additionally, always try to prevent your pets from climbing the sofa. Train them in a way that they do not use it. It is so because pets can readily scratch your precious leather with their sharp nails. It damages the sofa fast enough, and possibly you can do nothing about it.

 Also, use a suitable leather conditioner to maintain the natural shine. Although you should not use any household cleaner to wipe the sofa, a few are safe to use in moderation with caution. You can use diluted rubbing alcohol and baking soda with little water to remove tough stains. Else, you can schedule a professional upholstery cleaning service for a thorough clean.

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