How Do You Deep Clean An Area Rug?

How Do You Deep Clean An Area Rug?

Jun 15, 2021 | Area Rug Cleaning

Area rugs add a beautiful color and texture to any room. It gives warmth to your rooms during cold weather and also collects a lot of dust inside it that spreads in your home. You might think about how to clean an area rug inside or how to deep clean an area rug. To know your answers, read this blog below that explains how to treat different rug stains.

Know The Process To Deep Clean Different Stains On Area Rugs

Coffee, tea, alcohol, soft drink stains: Mix a solution that contains 1 teaspoon liquid detergent, 1-gallon hot water, ¼ teaspoon white vinegar in one bucket. Apply the solution on the stained portion of the area rugs. Rinse the affected area with water. Leave the area to dry completely.

Fatty food stains: If your rug gets the stains of butter, margarine, or liquid gravy spills, then use a dry cleaning solvent spotter to clean them.

Remove Gum or melted wax stains: Immediately, blot up the gum spill when it drops on the rug. Place ice cubes inside a plastic bag and also on the top surface of the gum stain. Ice will harden the gum fluid. Take a spoon or a dull knife and start scraping the gum from the rug. Then, vacuum the rug thoroughly.

Clean Paint stains: When acrylic or latex paint stains are formed on the rug, first do spot cleaning with a detergent solution until the paint stain is wet. Then to remove paint color, blob the affected area with rubbing alcohol.

Oil-based stains: While trying to remove oil-based stains from an area rug, use a sponge soaked with an odorless mineral spirit solution. Rub the sponge on the affected part and stay careful to not affect the backing of the rug.

Peel off the tomato sauce: Sponge the tomato sauce stain with cool water. Dab the stain with a detergent solution. Rinse the area with a mixture of 1 cup white vinegar and 2 cups of water. Blot the portion and dry it completely.

Get Rid of urine, feces, vomit stains: Simply apply a detergent solution mixture or a citrus-oxygen cleaner on the stained portion of the rug. Rinse it with water and allow it to dry the affected part.

Note: If you treat the stain immediately, then the above DIY tricks work well. But, to remove harder stains, take the benefits of professional rug cleaning services.

Do You Want Professional Rug Cleaning Services In Turlock?

As you have seen, there are different methods to treat different stains on area rugs, so use them when needed. While sometimes you need to take extra care while cleaning the hard stains, else it can harm the rug fabric. So, professionals at ASAP Carpet Cleaning provide the best cleaning to your area rugs with the use of modern tools and technology.

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